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Coronavirus 2020

Coronavirus 2020

Being dance mums and lovers of the arts, we are so saddened by the distance put between us all during this time.

We at CosiG will keep our website open and have some specials available for all our loyal customers. Thank you for continuing to support a local Australian business.

We love to see your videos and pictures coming through of your dancing at home. Keep the passion alive within yourself and each other, and support your local studios as much as you can. 

Please keep tagging us in your posts, we love to see you doing what you love and will happily share the posts around. 

It is important at this time to be kind to one another, support each other and really evaluate the things that mean the most to you. Be the best version of yourself everyday.

There will be an end to this madness, and we will never again take for granted being able to hug our friends. Stay strong, and know that we are here for you, even if you want a chat. 

W www.cosigstudiowear.com.au  | E orders@cosigstudiowear.com.au